Streamline Your Life: How Storage Units Can Simplify Your Space

Finding peace in simplicity has never been more important in a world full of things. The magic of storage units is that they can turn chaos into order and crowded places into peaceful havens. You can use storage units to help you get rid of clutter in your life. This guide will show you how.

The Clutter Dilemma

Think of your home as a canvas and the mess as the paint. Everything that doesn’t belong is a stroke that changes the shape of the picture. The search for simplicity isn’t just about making more room; it’s also about making a place for the most important moments in life. In this case, storage units come through as the heroes no one expected.

Short-Term Storage

Short-term storage is a break for people who are going through changes in their lives. Moving companies offer safe places for your things to wait for their next adventure. These temporary safe places will keep your things safe until you’re ready to bring them back into your life. This will make the change as easy as a calm sea.

A Spectrum of Benefits

Storage facilities aren’t just places to put things; they’re ecosystems that are meant to keep things safe. What they offer:

  • Convenience: You can get to your things whenever you want, so you can enjoy them more instead of juggling them.
  • Organisation: When you put everything where it belongs and keep it out of the way where you live or work, you keep your space and mind clear.

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Refacing Or Replacing Kitchen Cabinets The Pros And Cons Of Each Option

Refacing Or Replacing Kitchen Cabinets? The Pros And Cons Of Each Option

One of the positive aspects of kitchen renovations is that there is certainly no lack of choice when it comes to your options. You could simply make a few slight improvements to tidy your kitchen up or go all out and have cabinet makers design and install a completely new kitchen design, including worktops and the latest appliances that you may have seen in other kitchens or showrooms.

A choice that many homeowners often mull over is whether to have new kitchen cabinets or have their existing cabinets refaced to give them a new and fresh appearance. If you are wondering which is right for you, that question will be answered based on many things, such as the condition of your existing kitchen cabinets and your budget.

In truth, there are advantages and disadvantages to either replacing or refacing your kitchen cabinets, so we thought it would be useful if we helped you understand what they were. As such, we have outlined below the pros and cons of refacing or replacing kitchen cabinets. We hope it helps.

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Essential Tips for Landscaping

Essential Tips for Landscaping

Whether you hire landscaping experts or you’ve decided to go on this journey on your own, there’s much to learn. Of course, you pick up a few tips and tricks by watching online videos and talking to garden store workers, but some things don’t become apparent until you actually get stuck in and get the landscaping process underway.

If your new adventure is about to kick off, the following tips may help make sure it goes as smoothly as possible.

Don’t Waste Money on Weed Mat

Most people joke about how hard it can be to grow plants, but how easy it is to grow weeds. Weeds can grow in the strangest of places, so there’s truth in saying that there is no point in purchasing weed mats for planted areas.

While it looks great initially, the layers of soil and mulch on top of that weed mat are what ends up growing weeds. Save that weed mat for walkways to stop gravel, mulch, and other landscaping materials from sinking into the ground.

Don’t Skimp on Garden Tools

One of the many reasons people hire landscaping teams is that they don’t have the right tools for the job. Who needs thousands of dollars of tools for something you’ll do just once? It makes economic sense to outsource your landscaping.

Although, if you do decide to undertake landscaping on your own, make sure you pay attention to tool quality. Entry-level tools are okay for the occasional weeding exercise but may not last the distance for those extensive new landscaping jobs. It can be worth spending close to top-dollar for tools that serve you well for years to come.

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Carpet Care And Cleaning Advice For Pet Owners

Carpet Care And Cleaning Advice For Pet Owners

Until you have owned a pet you will not have experienced the joy they bring and the love they endow upon you but the price of those is that you must care for their every need. As they say, every up must have a down, and the downside of pets is that they can be messy, and that often means a greater emphasis on carpet cleaning than you would find in a house without pets.

Now, many pet owners say they would gladly put up with ten times the amount of cleaning around the house as long as it meant they could have their pet with them. However, that should not be necessary, especially when it comes to carpets, as there are actually some steps you can take to either reduce the amount of carpet cleaning required and which also prolong the life of your carpets, even if you have one or more pets.

These tips and the advice from experts,, we are about to give will not suddenly turn your pet into a spotlessly clean animal who wipes their paws on the doormat every time they come in the house, but it will reduce the amount of dirt, stains, and pet hairs that your carpet has to endure.

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Home Security Cameras

Five Benefits of Home Security Cameras

The use of security cameras and CCTV surveillance systems has become increasingly popular among Australian homeowners in recent times. With modern technology lowering the price of video surveillance to a level where everyone can afford it, the security market has grown rapidly.

One of the main drivers behind this increase in popularity is the huge number of advantages associated with using security cameras at home. For example, just having a camera will likely prevent intruders from entering your property. In the rest of this article, we’ve looked at the top five benefits of using CCTV surveillance to secure your property.

  1. CCTV Will Deter Criminals and Other Intruders

The most useful advantage of CCTV is its ability to deter criminals and other intruders by just being there. In general, your property is much less likely to be broken into if you have visible video cameras monitoring things.

With this in mind, make sure that you advertise the fact that you’re using a comprehensive security system. Place signs up around your property, use motion-activated sensor lighting and ensure your cameras cover the majority of your property.

  1. Video Surveillance Will Help the Authorities Catch Intruders

If you do suffer from a break-in or burglary, just having CCTV footage of the incident can be a huge help to the police and other authorities. In many cases, suspects can be identified with CCTV, which means that it will be a lot easier to bring them to justice.

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Frameless Shower Screens & Doors

Pros and Cons of Frameless Shower Screens & Doors

When you decide to make some changes to your bathroom, or you’re building a home from the ground up, there is a lot to think about. One of those things is shower screens and doors, and whether they are the best choice for you.

Showers come in all shapes and sizes, so it’s not as easy as you might think to make a decision. If you need a helping hand, read on. We list the pros and cons of frameless shower screens and why (or why not) they’re right for you.

Pro: They Convey Space

When you have a framed shower, cubicle, or box, your bathroom can seem small. Believe it or not, boxy lines can break up a room to its detriment.

A frameless shower offers flow and conveys feelings of space. There are no lines to get in the way of your eyesight. An added bonus is that you can then create a shower feature wall. Your bathroom can be both stylish and functional as a result.

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Why Landscaping Could Require an Expert’s Touch

When many people decide they are going to look at their home’s landscaping options, they consider doing it on their own. After all, surely the local garden store has everything you need to do an excellent job, right? Wrong. Believe it or not, your next landscaping could require an expert’s touch for the following reasons.

You’ve Got Tough Terrain

In a perfect world, everyone’s section would be smooth, flat, and without any imperfections. That’s far from the reality though. Many people have to contend with building on slopes, tackling steep terrain, and trying to figure out what to do with boggy areas or other challenging parts.

When you have a particularly challenging section, elevation, or other similar issues, then expert landscapers can come to the rescue. They can provide custom solutions that incorporate those challenges into your design in the best way possible.

Your Yard is Small

Many people have dreams of large swimming pools, expansive composite decking and giant sculptures adorning their yards. They then find their dream home and realise it’s on a postage-stamp-sized section. You can still have a yard of which you’re proud, but it can take a landscaping expert to bring it to life.

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Landscaping Tips

Top Landscaping Tips for Small Properties

Space Designs advise that the average section is only getting smaller, as cities try to accommodate more and more people. If you find yourself with a postage stamp section with which you feel landscaping will be impossible, then don’t despair. You may be surprised by what you can achieve.

Trying to landscape a small property can be a challenge, and maybe one that’s not within your area of expertise. If that’s the case, you are best to talk with experts. Otherwise, check out these tips below for how to combat a small area and turn it into paradise.

  1. Break it Up

It’s a strange concept – taking a compact yard and making it even smaller, but it can have the opposite effect if done correctly. Take your small patch of land and break it up into smaller areas with purpose. Create paths leading from each other and add seating, paving stones, and little garden sections. You will be amazed at how this landscaping trick works to add more depth and space.

  1. Use Colour Wisely

You may plant flowers anywhere and everywhere because you like them, but make sure there is a method to your madness. When creating a landscaping construction, you have to think about where colour is going to work the best. For example, if you place it at the front of your property, the vibrancy will detract visitors from how small the remainder of your section is. This is an excellent way to help bump up your resale value.

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Stone Cladding

Top 5 Benefits Of Using Stone Cladding For Kitchen Renovations

Although it isn’t the cheapest building material on the market, stone cladding is becoming more and more popular every year. Traditionally used by wealthy families to make their homes stand out as something special in conjunction with popular plasterboard, stone cladding is becoming more affordable – and consequently, more widespread – all the time.

According to the stone experts, Meteor Stone there are many reasons why you should think about using stone cladding in your home. It looks great, it’s very durable and it can give your home a touch of class. In my opinion, the top 5 benefits associated with the use of stone cladding include:

  1. Stone Cladding Is Tough

Stone is one of the strongest building materials known to man. In the past, it was used to build near impenetrable walls and extremely long-lived buildings. In modern times, naturally quarried stone is used to build everything from retaining walls and paths to fences and houses. Stone cladding is extremely tough and durable, which means that it’s resistant to weathering, breaking and chipping. It’s usually a good choice for outdoor walls that are exposed to the elements or indoor walls in high traffic areas.

  1. Stone Cladding Can Lower Your Energy Bills

Believe it or not, I’m not making this up! Stone is a very good insulator, and even a relatively thin layer of stone cladding can help keep your home warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer. Although it can be quite expensive, the energy saving properties of stone cladding can help offset the cost.

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Pool Fence

Top Tips For Making Sure Your Pool Fence Meets WA Safety Requirements

Western Australia has extremely strict rules surrounding the enclosure of swimming pools or outdoor spas. Pool fencing is an absolute must, otherwise you risk substantial penalties, including large fines. Most people use professional swimming pool fence businesses to install their fences, but there’s no reason why you can’t do it yourself if you’re willing to put the time and effort into it.

However, advise that installing your pool fence yourself will be difficult. You will need to create a design that meets the relevant Australian Standards and other safety requirements. This plan will need to be approved by your local council or whoever else is in charge of pool fence approvals in your area.

To help you comply with WA’s tough pool fencing laws, we’ve put together a short list of tricks and tips:

Even If You’re Doing It Yourself, Buy A Kit From A Professional Supplier

Pool fences are notoriously difficult to get right. The best way to make sure that you’re complying with the relevant regulations is to buy a DIY kit from your local pool fencing company. Everything from steel and wood to glass pool fencing can now be completed using DIY kits from professional suppliers.

Make Sure You Consider Your Pool’s Surrounds

There are strict no climb zones associated with new pool fences, which means that you need to think carefully about the exact placement of your fence. If you’re thinking about installing a pool fence which passes close to a house, garden or other feature that offers climbing potential, make sure that you’re staying within the relevant rules.

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How Not To Be Hard On Your Plumbing

How are your New Year’s resolutions travelling so far? You wanted to improve your health, increase your bank account, and spend a bit more time with the family. What about putting your plumbing on a diet? The health of our plumbing is rarely thought of, but the water quality and the condition of our plumbing pipes can also affect overall health. That has a knock-on effect with our families and our wallets.

Water Quality and Health

The experts at advise that every fixture in your home is affected by unhealthy water, and that doesn’t mean hard water. Our drinking water has chlorine, fluoride, and other chemicals. If you have a filtration system under your sink you are drinking well-filtered water. Or, you prefer to drink bottled water. But consider the water quality that is being distributed through every tap. When you cook, you use tap water. When you have a bath, you simply turn on the taps. Taking a shower your pores are absorbing chlorine and the other chemicals, and the hard water is causing skin and hair dryness.

The Cost of Hard Water

If you think about it, hard water is costing you money. Most people don’t like to spend money unnecessarily on plumbing repairs. The life span of all your plumbing fittings is affected by hard water – taps, shower valves, water heater, toilets, supply lines, and if you are spending money to colour your hair, hard water is shortening the lifespan of that as well. The average lifespan of a water heater is somewhere between 7 – 10 years and hard water is one of the culprits that causes shorter life. If you look at the capital outlay for a water heater, about $1500, depending on the type you buy, you will want to get a reasonable number of years of use out of it.

Hard water is due to the calcium content and it can also calcify the ports on a toilet. That means a less than effective flush which can result in the use of a plunger. Toilet replacement may be the ultimate solution. The bottom line is that hard water is just that, hard, on your appliances as well as your plumbing.

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Fire Safety Gear

Fire Safety Gear For Your Commercial Kitchen

Fire safety equipment is a legal requirement in most workplaces and commercial kitchens in Australia. There are many different types of fire safety equipment – including things like fire extinguishers and fire blankets – which should be used in different situations.

It is important to note that every business doesn’t have the same fire safety requirements. Larger businesses with a higher fire risk will have to take a lot more precautions than others, and will probably have to have better warning and fire protection systems installed. Some of the most common workplace fire safety gear includes:

Fire Extinguishers:

Fire extinguishers can be found in pretty much any commercial building, and on most commercial vehicles. They come in a range of shapes and sizes, and are designed to help people contain and extinguish small fires before they have the potential to turn into large fires. Note that there are different types of fire extinguishers containing different substances, including:

  • Dry powder
  • Carbon Dioxide
  • Foam
  • Wet Chemical
  • Water

Each type of fire extinguisher is designed to combat a certain type or types of fires, so it is important to familiarise yourself with this before purchasing one for your business.

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Kitchen Cabinet Lightening

Helpful Tips for Lightening Your Kitchen Cabinets

The kitchen is essentially a workspace, and as all workspaces go, the functional design and layout of the kitchen area needs to support the level of efficiency required for the function it serves. One key element of kitchen design that contributes very much to both the aesthetic ambience of your kitchen, as well as, the ease of food preparation is lighting.

Kitchen lighting, especially for kitchen cabinets is fast catching on as the most effective way of lighting up your workspace. Light fixtures, usually in the form of spotlights are fixed above the cabinet counter top in regular intervals along its length, and unlike a light source fixed onto the kitchen ceiling, there are no shadows caused by obstructions because the light falls directly onto the cabinet surface, especially when they are done well by the Electrician Perth Experts.

If you want to install under cabinet lighting to an already existing cabinet set up in your kitchen, you can have it installed with the help of a professional electrician. Most cabinet makers give you the option of installing different types of under cabinet lighting to your custom kitchen cabinet, but make sure you give clear specifications before plans are laid out so that the cabinet maker can clearly ascertain the placing of wires and electrical fixtures before installation. Continue reading “Helpful Tips for Lightening Your Kitchen Cabinets”

Kitchen Furniture Colour

Preferred Colours for Kitchen Furniture

Choosing colours for kitchen furniture and the room itself means that you will have to do a lot of research on what style you would want and what the appearance should say. White is always a very classy colour. It will make the room look large and give enough light; however you have to put in more effort to maintain it over the years. Or even going with pale yellow will give your kitchen a lively touch. It will also make the rest of the house seem more sophisticated.

It is important to remember that kitchen furniture is different from furniture in other rooms. In a kitchen even the refrigerator can be considered as furniture. Red and white are preferred colours for kitchen furniture which gives the room a very bright and modern look. Making your kitchen brown and choosing a wooden look can give the house a very homely feel. It will make your kitchen look quite luxurious. Pink kitchen furniture has been around for a while and if you want to give it fifties vibe then this would be ideal. In a bright kitchen, such as a yellow or white kitchen, make the lighting dim. It will give it a good ambience and setting. These are a few ideas that you can use when deciding colours for your kitchen, but make sure you get a few opinions before you settle into one idea because you will have to live the rest of your life with it.

Kitchen Cabinet Designs

How to Choose Kitchen Cabinet Designs

A kitchen is a highly specialized and functional area that requires good planning if it is to be a place you enjoy being in. Before ordering your kitchen cabinet, you need to think about what exactly you want out of your new kitchen layout, what needs are currently met, and what features of your kitchen you are prepared to compromise for a better set up.

There is no point however, in dreaming up elaborate ideas if your kitchen will be unable to hold them. A good grasping of how space will be utilized is of extreme importance, especially if you have a very small kitchen. There will be basic functions that you might need your new kitchen to fulfil, such as efficient storage, work area, good lighting and ventilation. Check on the layout of your kitchen (including where the windows and doors are) and then decide where you want your kitchen cabinet installed.

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Bamboo Bathroom Cabinets

Bathroom Cabinets With a Touch of Bamboo

Using bamboo to create furniture is not something new, especially in parts of Asia. It is thought to symbolize a strong and healthy life, and is a very resilient plant that requires little care and has the ability to regenerate itself. As environmental awareness grows, the popularity of products that support or do not negatively impact the environment increases in demand among users world wide. Bamboo is considered eco friendly because they grow pretty quickly and do not require fertilizers, pesticides and even much water. Bamboo grows so fast that it is said to yield twenty times more timber than trees in the same area.

The advantages of using bamboo for building your bathroom cabinets are many. It is considered an excellent choice for wet environments because it is extremely durable and more water resistant than oak wood. Plenty of designs for bamboo bathroom cabinets are available; some following traditional design and others looking more contemporary, sleek and modern. Whichever design it maybe, bamboo cabinets serve their primary function of providing storage space that is durable, sustainable and also eco friendly.

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Cabinet Designs

Top 05 Cabinet Designs Of 2010

Emerging trends for cabinet designs predict a gradual shift from tradition to more contemporary and modern looks and layouts for kitchens and kitchen cabinets. The top 05 for 2010 are:

Cabinet designs that incorporate bold and contrasting colours can really pack a punch and be a great focal point for your home, specially if a lot of entertaining takes place there.

The minimalist approach to cabinet design is being applied quite a lot too, doing away with kitchen clutter and bringing in efficient space management and storage options. Instead of having multiple cupboards for separate storage, single large units are separated internally for categorized and methodical storage giving the illusion of large spaces and less clutter.

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Cleaning Kitchen Cabinets

Cleaning Your Kitchen Cabinets

When it comes to cleaning kitchen cabinets, you should note that there are quite a few aspects that need to be considered. Especially in this day and age, you will realise that there are quite a few materials that are utilized in order to create kitchen cabinets. However, at the same time while most of these materials are in fact versatile and functional, there is also the issue of maintenance that needs to be looked into. Like tile cleaning, this is something that needs to be considered rather seriously since using the wrong solvents on some materials may destroy them.

Commercial cleaning experts have said, as a rule of thumb, you should consistently clean out your cabinets with the most basic of solvents. For instance, using a damp cloth and cleaning out kitchen cabinets are a good idea. The key to this is consistency. Cleaning up cabinets once a week would be more than enough. Of course if you do have kitchen cabinets made out of wood, then you must ensure that you use things like olive oil since this would bring out that rich patina on the wood. Moreover, things like cabinet hardware need to be removed (if that is possible) and then put in soap water, in order to be cleaned.

Kitchen Cabinet Trends

2010’s Kitchen Cabinet Trends

Cabinet design is certainly an aspect that does need quite a bit of discussion. The fact of the matter is that throughout the years cabinet designs have evolved into something that is generally more versatile and functional, not to mention stylish. One must keep in mind that while there is a usual change in various trends, some are inherently the same. It is best to always choose a design that is memorable and also long lasting. The various trends in 2010 when it comes to kitchen cabinets offer a great choice for all. But 2010 allows you to have designs that are a true reflection of you.

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Office Reception Desk

How to Know When to Replace Your Office Reception Desk

When a client steps into your office building, the first thing he will come across is the reception area. Whether it is with regard to a first time customer or otherwise, giving a perfect first impression every time he walks in is crucial. Why do you think receptionists are the hottest females around? Even if, we humans deny it, the fact remains. We are visual beings and what we see lingers in our minds for longer than we want them to.

Like said, the person behind the reception desk should definitely be attractive and well mannered, but most importantly, the reception area should be tastefully decorated at whatever cost, because it may have a major influence on the company’s overall impression than what you wish to believe.

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